Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tech Rehearsal, Toddler Style

I am a human being. My husband is a human being. And though I am a devout believer in intelligent design and not evolution - somehow my sweetie and I managed to produce us some monkey offspring. So from now until I change my mind, my toddler boy will be referred to as "Monkey."

Monkey likes to sing and dance. He sings in a choir at church and yesterday they had their final rehearsal for the Christmas show. For the big kids, it was the tech rehearsal. For the little kids (aka monkey's choir), it was controlled chaos.

Tired of waiting for his entire group's turn to take the stage, monkey made himself at home on the steps.

Feeling comfortable there, he headed for the microphones nearby, which were set for the big kids choir. It was about 10 inches too high for him, pointed upward. But HIS choir's songs were playing in the background and by golly he was going to have his moment on THIS stage. He proceeded to shout that song at the top of his lungs, adjusting the mic to point downward at him midway through.

Did I stop him? ...uh, no. I laughed until tears streamed down, and did my best to capture the moment.

And I can hardly bear to share the details of what he did once the whole GROUP was on stage. I am quite certain our tactile little monkey had never felt crushed velvet before. Until he noticed it on the girl beside him...

Did I mention that when they lined up in a straight line on stage, to practice their 3 songs, Monkey stepped forward 3 paces to allow the rest of the kids to provide backup to his lead.

His #1 request from Santa this year... a drumset. Hmm.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Aren't Monkeys Wonderful? Love the details you included in your images today, and the words to accompany them. Such fun to share with you .

Most of all, congrats on your new blog!

Looking forward to seeing you in the spring!