Sunday, December 14, 2008

Give Presence

Holiday Traditions.

Growing up, I spent 2 weeks each December with family in Arizona. I remember foggy early mornings and delayed flights. Cactus covered in blinking lights. Being greeted by happy dogs, and the many smells of the ranch: dirt, citrus trees, and a bucket of KFC in the kitchen the night we flew in. Warm hugs from family. Grandma's tree awaiting us, heavy with ornaments, half of which she made by hand. I remember trying to sleep on Christmas Eve and being WAY too excited.

In thinking over and listing traditions, there are things I have done, or want to do:
  • Drive around & look at lights
  • Involve Monkey with the activities: baking, house/tree decoration, gingerbread house
  • The Soundtrack of the Holidays - load up the iPod around Thanksgiving
  • Meals and time with family
  • Watching holiday specials from my childhood (ABC Family is rockin' the old-school Christmas shows, friends.)
  • Church events (Swedish Smorgasbord, Christmas Eve service)
  • Special pillowcase(s) for the season
  • New pajamas on Christmas Eve
  • Discuss why we celebrate Christmas

But there are some traditions I'd rather break:

  • stress, hustle & bustle, irritation
  • giving gifts more out of obligation than with thoughtful joy
  • perfectionism; the need to have things 'just so'

Yesterday I heard myself say with thinly-veiled frustration to Monkey, "Do you want Santa to come to your house this year?"
"Yes, mama."

Does it really matter that they're all in one spot, rather than perfectly balanced? Will the guests really care? Do I? How do I get sucked in?

This morning we watched a 2 minute video in church that made me think:

Spend less. Love more. Right on.


Anonymous said...

I love that video! It was what I need to see! I have been so good with my spending this year! I really have! I'm not saying that it's easy... I've been fighting the urge to spend daily! But, I've been doing good.
We have been doing an Advent Jessie Tree this year and it has been awesome! I love it!
And I do have to say... it does matter that the ornaments are not all on one branch. It just does!
Okay, when you are three and under you can rearrange. And if you are 7 and 9 years of age you need to back off! Maggie stays away from the ornaments better then those two knuckleheads!

Carrie Hasson said...

Ok, so I am swamped with tears. What a beautiful post Dori. I am so glad you've joined the blog world :)
I started to read about your traditions, I grew up in AZ. I started to read about all of the things you want to do, and I am so BIG on tradition. But this year has been all about the need to do's. We don't even have our tree yet, don't even have a plan whether we're staying home or going away. So tears, because I want to share with my children all of the things you want to share. Then I saw the video...oh my goodness! I think I may have to borrow it, what a powerful reminder.
Thank you Dori for inspiring me today...