The Christmas explosion has come and gone. The house is still a disaster. But this year I don't care so much. I'd rather catch up with friends who are just in town for the holiday than worry about the house.
My Mama always says "the house doesn't care." And while I agree that's true, I usually can't feel at peace with the house unless it's at least mostly tidy. Today I don't care. Tomorrow I might.
Today, I'm still enjoying the decorations, chilling out, and eating too many Nuts & Chews, courtesy of See's Candy and our buddies the Hummels (who are my entertaining heroes... Truly spectacular group-dinner hosts).
But ssh. Don't tell Royce. I plan to blame all the empty wrappers on my pregnant (5 weeks to go) friend Mary who came to visit today. She had, maybe, 2 of them.
Cheers. Happy Nuts and Chews to you all. Two more days 'til resolution time.